Friday, December 26, 2008


Rebecca said...

It looks like you all had a great Christmas! Colton is adorable! Your hair looks darker than it did this summer, I like it :) Dianne and Margie are looking great too!

DNV said...

Owen is totally adjusting himself in the first part of this video....EWWWWWWWW

Rebecca said...

hahahahaha! Blake and I totally saw that too! Blake actually thinks maybe he was just putting something in his pocket...maybe??

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

Yeah, Owen says it was his pocket,
Funny though, those pjs dontgfsdg vbetrhgmjngyj[\]frgmj,

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

Mom is reallly not smart at all
nh, mknb uhgjn

DNV said...

You look really pretty with you momma and gma margie.

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

I started to say, (before Owen attacked the keyboard)...
Owen doesn't HAVE any pockets in those pajamas!
But he DID have on boxers that were too big for him and he was untwising them. Big boxers tend to travel around on him. I guess I should maybe get more of his own size for him. Poor Kid!